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Turning people on to new music and they actually like it. But, regardless of its comparisons with other projects, Polysemy is a competent and pleasant instrumental piece with many fine moments, boasting brilliant intricacy, refreshing simplicity, and one of the best guitar tones on the market right now. On the track 'Paloma' Reyes misses an easy opportunity to shine as he chooses not to use a warmer, more welcoming sound that would complement his soft playing better. You have to be logged in to post a comment. I'm sure you can find information about that in the forums. Every time I've been listening to it since, I've found that I've become a little more enamoured with it. polysemy mestis

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On the track 'Paloma' Reyes misses an easy opportunity to shine as he chooses not to use a warmer, more welcoming sound that would complement his soft playing better.

polysemy mestis

These could have been much improved by the introduction of additional instrumentation to provide some highlights. You go from talking about his playing to bringing up Chon's guitarists and then to the drummer.

I put this review together during the first 4 or so times of listening to it, so at the nestis I believe I still had a measure of objectivity. Oh and mostly yeah, but I'm also a big fan of prog or experimental stuff.

polysemy mestis

As Calc said, this seems to focus more on the negative than the positive so if this is indeed a four make sure that you point out the things it does well too. Reyes utilizes a heavily saturated guitar sound throughout much of the album. Good job with the review!

Polysemy is the association of a word or phrase with multiple meanings. Reyes alternates between up-beat and dark motives in his tunes and manages to keep the experience compelling; not least by means of his virtuose and technically flawless playing.

ALBUM REVIEW: Mestis - Polysemy - Distorted Sound Magazine

He also succeeds in arranging these songs nicely, allowing for an accessible, easy flow. I totally agree with you about the guitar having almost a slap bass tone in some sections. On the other hand, the guitar work on this album is, without fail, excellent. I need to explore. But, regardless of its comparisons with other projects, Polysemy is a competent and pleasant instrumental piece with many fine moments, boasting brilliant intricacy, refreshing simplicity, and one of the best guitar tones on the market right now.

In the greater context of today's lyrically over-saturated music this is not easily accomplished. I would say, if you're going to bring up Chon make sure there's more of a reason than just "here's a fun part to look for".

It certainly helps approaching the former with a similar mentality as that of the latter. It did not attempt to be intimidatingly heavy, nor overtly complex. Reyes' most powerful weapon in creating a unique, engaging sound is, without a doubt, his songwriting. However, they're consistently extremely low in the mix.

polysemy mestis

On 9 Music Lists. However, for the most part 'Polysemy' pulls this off effortlessly. Beardog November 7th Comments.

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What is entirely lacking from this album is the brass-section that was so prominent on 'Basal Ganglia'. The magazine features a whole host of quality bands every month, as well as original features, reviews and more!

ALBUM REVIEW: Mestis – Polysemy

These factors combined lead to a mfstis metal, less jazzy or latin listening experience than on the EP 'Basal Ganglia'. It really helps add some color to this album. I see what you mean about the downsides polysmey the His agenda seems to be to underline and support the guitar-driven songs as effectively and creatively as possible without ever stealing the spotlight.

And if you do make the effort of seeking them out actively, you'll find them invariably to be sonically bland and basically obsolete. Not least of course from the musical output of the other progressive metal band Reyes is a part of - Animals As Leaders.

I guess i though it'd be more engaging for a reader to be told that this is a really beautiful album but elaborate more on the short-comings, so they know what to expect. Calc Contributing Reviewer November 6th Comments. For the most part this works out fine, especially considering that his guitar playing often emulates the more or less inaudible bass.

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