Monday 9 December 2019


So far, I can evaluate smaller functions using Rhino but when it comes to setting up envjs, the problems begin. Then you will want to load the Envjs JavaScript that will emulate the browser environment. Yossi Shasho Yossi Shasho 3, 22 22 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges. Rhino is an open source implementation of JavaScript in Java and envjs is a simulated browser environment written in javascript. Navigate in a terminal to the location of the unziped rhino folder and start up rhino. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. envjs

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Yossi Shasho Yossi Shasho 3, 22 22 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges. I did attempt this but couldn't go very far. I know this answer is very late.

JavaScriptMVC - EnvJS

It took a while to figure out which one of the hundrets of github forks on env-js will do the job. I also wanted to generate SVGs on server side, with requests being initiated from java Glassfish in my case.

I found out that this combination will work for a simple test:. Active 1 year, 11 months ago. So far, I can evaluate smaller functions using Rhino but when it comes to setting up envjs, the problems begin.

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: I am able to do this successfully. Instead I'm returning static links to internally generated pages that display SVGs. Yes, google shows some results but they are not officially belonging to Rhino or envjs. Email Required, but never shown.

Michael Grace

I also downloaded the latest Envjs and placed it in the same location as the unzipped rhino folder. Then you will want to load the Envjs JavaScript that will emulate the browser environment.


Navigate in a terminal to the location of the unziped rhino folder and start up rhino. I found it myself. I found out that this combination will enjvs for a simple test: Post as a guest Name. Aejaz Aejaz 30 5 5 bronze badges. Sign up using Facebook. This is the correct answer as of Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Rhino is an open source implementation of JavaScript in Java and envjs is a simulated browser environment written in javascript. Sign up using Email and Password. Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Once you get it working, there are bigger problems lurking if you try to heavily load Node.

This is required because scripts running in Rhino with Envjs will have file system access.


Envjs and Rhino in a Java application - Where to find env. The test page that I built looks like this when you load it in a browser with JavaScript disabled.

File: README — Documentation for envjs ()

Improving the question-asking experience. Can anybody help me out? How do we handle problem users? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sadly, other than Node.


But I have no idea where to find it.

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