Sunday 8 December 2019


The searchable database can be browsed simultaneously for the entire scripts in all eight languages. They are currently engaged in a number of translation and grammatical analysis projects. Fri Mar 29 To mark the 60th anniversary of His Majesty the King's accession to the throne, the Tripitaka - the Holy Buddhist canons - featured in eight languages will be released in the King's honour on Tuesday in a ceremony ahead of Visakha Puja Day. Thus the idea of using modern computer technology to preserve the texts seems to be a natural conclusion. For Buddhists it represents the Teacher himself. The data can be divided into two groups as follows: budsir

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You are invited to not only use this Dhamma-Gift here for yourself but also to share it, and your merits with it, again as a Dhamma gift and to copy, reformat, reprint, republish and redistribute this work in budisr medium whatsoever, provided that: This was done budsif eighty typists, each working at a rate of thirty Pali words a minute, or on average 15 pages a day. After computerized transliteration in Romanized script, the size becomes 31 million characters.


The words spoken by the Buddha over the mere 45 year period after his budssir until his final passing away parinibbana are said to cover 84, topics dhammakkhandhaand these are collected and arranged in the scriptures that Buddhists revere most highly, known as the Tipitaka, and it is here that they have been preserved up to the present time.

The occurrence code consists of the volume number, page number, line number, word number and, when applicable, a flag to indicate last word of the line or the page. With more complex technological advancement, various storage devices of the computer have been used to store the contents e. It can retrieve any word including compoundsphrase or stretch of text that can be found in the Buddhist Scriptures.

Norman's MyTymes and Normyn fonts. All of us can draw inspirations from the Buddha's teachings.

Buddhist Scriptures Information Retrieval Mahidol University Computing Center, Bangkok,

How to cite this document one suggested style: This version contains many corrections that are not present in other online transcriptions. The Online Pali Tutor Arrow River Forest Hermitage, Canada is an interactive tool for testing your knowledge of noun declensions, vocabulary, and more. She will then present them to His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch, who presides over the ceremony.

Leading monks from Thailand and 47 other countries will join in the historic ritual, which will be the first time that Buddhist monks from foreign countries have prayed and offered blessings for His Majesty the King.

Moreover, this digital edition is also capable of searching both the Tipitaka and Atthakatha simultaneously, showing the results in two separate windows so that they can be studied and compared. After computerized transliteration in Romanized script, the size increases to 47 million characters.


For additional information about this license, see the FAQ. Narada Thera is available from several sources: The Computing Center is proud budsi have played a part in the continued preservation of the treasury of priceless wisdom that is the Tipitaka, and hopes that BUDSIR IV for Windows and its manual will aid the user, at least to some extent, in his or her research, and budssir are happy to receive corrections or suggestions in order to improve future versions of BUDSIR IV for Windows.

BUDSIR IV for Windows

Pull-Down Menus and Mouse Support Any feature can be accessed using hot-key, pull-down menus or a mouse. Organisers in Bangkok are preparing to host World Visakha Bucha Day celebrations from May 6 to May 12, when Buddhist leaders from 47 countries are expected to join in prayers marking the 60th anniversary of His Majesty the King's accession to the throne.

An attempt has been made to store the entire Tipitaka and Atthakatha in digital form so that any research that needs to gain access to this huge database will be greatly facilitated. Various media depending on the technology of the age have been used to preserve the contents of the Tipitaka e.

The Inverted file actually is a list of occurrences of all the words found in the Text-block file. Hence it is extremely difficult to retrieve the information in question, accurately and exhaustively.

A most valuable resource. Softerviews offers several Unicode fonts suitable for working with Pali. A group of guides well-versed in Buddhism are also on hand to give detailed explanations about the exhibits to visitors. It will include an exhibition of Buddhism and cultural displays from various countries.

What more, only a single CD- ROM carries the entire Thai and Romanized Pali of the Tipitaka 45 volumes Attakatha 55 volumes and special scriptures 15 volumes totalling to more than million characters.

This is to facilitate data management in searching, particularly in adjacent words, including searching via Boolean operators for the future version. Your browser does not support JavaScript or the script for the file Name and date of the retrieving was blocked!

As time went on other methods were developed to preserve the teachings. The data from each volume was entered twice and verified by a computer program which pin-pointed any discrepancies between the two versions, which were then corrected until the two versions were identical. Stone inscriptions, metal plates, leaf scriptures, cloth, paper and other materials—whatever was available in each age—were all used in the effort to accurately preserve these holy texts.

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