Tuesday, 26 November 2019


You keep telling me my review is too short Adjust the preferences as follows: Another obsolete software package that hasn't been maintained for a decade and it cannot handle current encryption. Now, this process takes longer than the previous season discs, but it's not an issue for me. How to capture anything with Obs Studio. This could cause RipIt4Me to crash. ripit4me version

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Once you know the steps and when to properly use themthis app "RipIt4Me" can really surprise youas well as other avid ripping affecionados. The part of the debug log that concerned Step1 ripping 1.71.0 IFOs was no longer present in the final debug log. Fixed a potential crash during the cell cleanup when the IFOs are a bit messed up cell command declared, but non-existent.

Not worth your time unless your DVDs are over a decade old. This of course, will only work the next time we have an update. If DVD Decrypter is currently ripping, the rip is aborted. Backups are essential when you have children.

ripit4me version

This required adding two strings to the language file. Added some broad error catching code to avoid crashes during the loading of and the analysis.

RipIt4Me Free Download - VideoHelp

It works on bit and bit Windows. Search or Browse all software by sections Search or Browse all software by sections. Click to load comments. More reviewed onMarch 27, It managed to save everything to enable importation and episodic saving from Shrink. The program is very simple to use with a "One Click" wizard to take you through the very simple ripping procedure which consists of little more than inserting a disc, browsing to a save location, and off you go.

RipIt4Me is an incredibly powerful ripper which can handle just about any encryption.

RipIt4Me - Download

When blanking titlesets, the TMAP table was not fully removed, this is now fixed. The analysis is more thorough and will in some instances eg games take a while longer, so for these DVDs, please be patient. A very quick step. Fixed a bug in the code that checks for Decrypter on startup.

Versioh the logs are saved, the original IFOs are moved and the directory is removed from the target rip directory. Free Download for Windows.

ripit4me version

Of course, it should only be used for verzion commercial use - such as your own personal backups of your own commercial discs. The Preferences menu allows you to select to remove protected cells, tiny cells or useless menu cells, always cleanup VOBs on a full DVD, remove unreferenced video, and others.

If you prefer, there is also a true "1-Click" mode that will perform all the involved steps automatically for you.


Sorry about that… Version 1. You can either go through all the steps presented in the wizard, or choose "1-Click" and let the software do all the hard work for you. The directories are numbered to avoid overwriting them. It can also help convert home DVD Recorder discs that will not play on other equipment.

A quick bug fix for Win’98 people (“Not a DVD” problem again). Apologies.

You'll see this displayed in the main window during the first step of the wizard. If your DVD Decrypter settings instruct it to open the tray after a read, RipIt4Me will do that at the end of a successful 1-click run.

Enable it in the preferences as the default is off. These should be ignored. Attempted to make the of the original IFOs faster. Otherwise, keep the option to process the full DVD checked.

Removed some annoying messages scanning for BOVs on titlesets that were not ripped and added protection against crashes in cleanup phase.

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